Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)"Carnival of Souls" is one of my favorite low-budget "cult classics"...so much so, I even own the Criterion edition. So I couldn't pass up the chance to get Mike, Kevin, and Bill's take on it.
The movie itself actually looks pretty good in this transfer and can be watched without the commentary. Add the commentary, of course, for the laughs. Things start out slow and I'm not terribly impressed, but the jokes get better as they go along, particularly Kevin's running "Password" gag in the department store scene.
If you're a fan of Carnival of Souls as well as a fan of MST3K, this one's a must have.
Click Here to see more reviews about: RiffTrax: Carnival of Souls - from the stars of Mystery Science Theater 3000 (2009)
Horror! Romance! Spine-tingling suspense! Carnival of Souls will make you long to be watching a movie that contains any of these things! In fact, you'd probably settle for a movie that contains a discernible plot. Instead you get lead actress Candace Hilligoss, notable for having one eyebrow that is consistently raised higher than the other. Along her journey to Utah (most of which is shown in real time) she meets colorful characters such as "The greasy guy in the boarding house" and "The priest who disapproves of her organ playing." - Carnival of Souls is grim, unsettling and contains 150% of your daily recommended dose of organ music. Therefore, it is like putty in the hands of master riffers Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett of RiffTrax.com and Mystery Science Theater 3000. Watch as they shape this filmic atrocity into a hilarious lump of comedy, which, from the right angle, kind of resembles an ashtray. Happy Father's Day!
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