
Mystery Science Theater 3000 - Pod People (1988) Review

Mystery Science Theater 3000 - Pod People  (1988)
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Good? This episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 is the BEST! It ranks perhaps even above, Ator, Attack of the-the Eye Creaters, and even infamous short, Mr./Ms. Be-Natural. The Amazing Collasial Episode guide called it a fan favorite. Kevin Murphy noted how he wanted to kill this movie. The movie itself is a spin off from ET, perhaps? No one is really sure. It starts of in a misty wilderness with three poachers. Then we are in outer-space, (viewing something). Then it goes to some cheap rock band playing a stupid song which is excellently mocked by bots. Then the crew decides to take some nature shots of deer and wild life. We are then transported to the gentle loveable (extremely annoying) star? of the show Tommy's house. The thing from outer space crashes These little short hairy monsters (that are actually kind of cute) come out and kill the poachers. But Tommy finds one while serching for more "specimens" which are really CENTIPEDES! He names him Trumpy, we unfortunaly have have the plot of a horrible movie. But it was Tommy's kitten "Mittens" that stole our hearts. He attacked Trumpy's nose in one scean but obviously no one on the camera crew saw. I will give you Misties a personal guarentee that this movie is sucessful bashed!! And the songs they sing will stick in your head for a long while and make you laugh when it's inappriopriate and embarass you. This is probably the best episode ever done. It also has the best segway of all-time when Joel, Crow, Tom, and Gypsy sing a re-take of the movie's rock group song. "Hidous partrol now?" There's too many funny parts in this movie to tell in this review, but I guarentee you'll love it! END

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